We have a variety of fellowship and ministry opportunities and we want to invite you to check out what is happening. Every fourth Sunday we have our Power Up Sunday where we bring a friend or family member to worship with us. We hope to see you at one of our church events and worship services.

We want to grow in biblical knowledge and wisdom through weekly Bible study. We want to help you discover a life surrendered to Jesus. Come join us every Thursday night @7:45pm for a powerful time of studying the Bible and prayer.

We give freely as we have received. We want to advance God’s Kingdom by being faithful stewards over what God has blessed us with through sharing God’s message of hope, love, and salvation. Please consider supporting our work by giving online.

We believe in sharing Jesus message of HOPE outside the walls of the church building. Our church ministry is dedicated to serving the community through our Monthly Outreach: our Women’s Ministry visits Karis House a shelter for women/children and our Men’s Ministry visits the homeless men’s shelter at the Baltimore Rescue Mission